AHS Student Parking, Drop-off & Pick Up Procedures
Self-Transportation to School
Driving to school is a privilege that can be revoked at any time. Students who are provided the opportunity to ride school transportation are encouraged to do so. Students and their parents/guardians assume full responsibility and liability for any transportation to and from school not officially provided by the School.
The following rules shall apply:
- Students and their parents/guardians shall complete the Parking Permit Application found on Infinite Campus Online Registration. and provide evidence of:
- driver’s license;
- make/model of student vehicle
The student must obtain a permit from the high school office and pay a fee of $3.00 for the entire school year. Parking tags will be given to the students which must be displayed on the vehicle rear view mirror.
If a student’s parking permit is suspended, no fees will be refunded.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in loss of driving privileges and/or disciplinary actions for a student.
- All student parking is limited to the student parking lot.
- All vehicles are to be operated in a reasonable and lawful manner. The speed limit on all school property is fifteen (15) mph.
- Students engaging in educational options such as CC+, Senior Release, or Work Release programs MUST have their own transportation and sign out when scheduled to do so. Students who remain in the building when they are scheduled to be elsewhere will be removed from their educational option and assigned to a study hall.
- No student and their vehicle may leave the school grounds prior to their dismissal without permission from the principal or assistant principal.
- Student cars that are not parked appropriately are subject to towing at the students expense.
- No 9th or 10th Grade student will be permitted to park on school property without permission from the high school principal.
- Parents/guardians are reminded that student driving privileges may be revoked.
- Parking on school grounds is a privilege and not a right and the school’s vehicle search and seizure policy is in effect.
The following are examples of driving related behavior which are considered unacceptable:
- Driving an unregistered vehicle to school
- Parking in an unauthorized area
- Operation of vehicle in unauthorized areas (driving on grass or in delivery areas)
- Operation of a vehicle in a manner which endangers the safety or health of the driver, other students, and/or others in general.
- Unauthorized use of vehicle, particularly during lunch periods.
- Excessive tardiness (driving privileges revoked)